Proper care following your enhancement is necessary to achieve the best results. Please review the following instructions and refer to them as necessary. If during the healing process you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.

What to expect in the weeks of healing:

  • Week 1: Minor redness, bruising, swelling and tenderness. Enhancement may appear patchy as tiny scabs form and come away.
  • Week 2: The enhancement will appear paler.
  • Week 3: The colour starts to come back to the surface of the skin.
  • Week 4: The true healed colour presents itself until the finetune session.

Important notes:

  • The approximate healing period is 14 days, but this can be prolonged if your immune system is compromised, you are stressed or you have a poor diet.
  • The skin takes 28 days to renew and repair, so we cannot go back on the skin until a minimum of 4 weeks has passed.
  • The enhancement is not complete until the finetune session has taken place.
  • If the result is not dark enough for your desired look or your skin does not accept pigment as well, you will require a third application of colour. This can be done within 3 months, as an additional application at a minimal cost.

General advice for the first 2 weeks:

  • Do not expose the enhancement to direct sun, tanning treatments, jacuzzis, saunas, salt water, chlorinated pools or direct shower sprays.
  • No exercise or sweating as it secretes bodily salts which remove PMU.
  • Use a mild antibacterial cleanser to freshen the skin during the first week.
  • Do not splash water on the face, clean the enhancement twice daily with damp cotton pads.
  • If the enhancement gets wet, gently pat the area dry using a clean tissue.
  • Do not receive skincare beauty treatments (including botox/fillers).
  • No makeup should be applied directly on to the enhancement.
  • Keep hair away from the enhancement to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • Some itching is normal but do not pick, peel or rub the enhancement as the colour may heal unevenly and the risk of infection is heightened, which could lead to scarring. Allow the colour to flake away by itself.
  • No alcohol for a minimum of 2 days as migration can occur from blood thinning.

Long-term care advice:

  • Inform the doctor of the permanent cosmetic enhancements if you have surgery or MRI scans coming up.
  • Inform the National Blood Service if you donate blood, as you may not be eligible to give blood for 6 months post-treatment.
  • Use a high factor sun cream on the enhancement (minimum SPF30) to prolong the pigment colour. I highly recommend Tropics products.
  • Tanning creams and AHA creams (anti-wrinkle creams and Retin A products) will fade the enhancement quicker.